Animal by: Neon Trees
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Project Complete
Posted by Laura Shook at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Another Project.
& Salvia!
Posted by Laura Shook at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
But we worked super super hard on this video for two weeks, & I think the world deserves to see it! :)
thanks all!
Posted by Laura Shook at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Book of the Week.
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment. by: James Patterson
"Buckle up. This is a ride that starts fast and gets faster." -Cleveland Plain Dealer
"Nonstop action carries this page-turner brilliantly from start to finish." -Kirkus Reviews
"Practically ready-made for a movie script." -The Toronto Sun
"Think wings, big wings." -Chicago Tribune
My Overview/Review: :)
Where do I even begin? From the beginning, you're thrown into the action. Six "mutants," half-human half-bird, Max-14, Fang-14, Iggy-13, Gazzy-8, Nudge-11, & Angel-6 are living alone in the middle of nowhere. Their "adoptive" (<-----which I use very lightly.) father, Jeb Batchelder, saved them from a terrible place they call "The School" four years prior. ("The School" is a science lab, where scientists crossed human DNA with avian DNA to make "the flock.") I say Jeb was their "adoptive father," because he rescued them, & took care of them for two years, like a father, until he disappeared.
- Halfway to California, Max stops to help a girl named Ella, who is being bullied by a couple of older guys. She then gets shot in the shoulder/wing, & has to show Ella & her mother what she is. Ella's mom, Dr. Martinez is a vet. She takes Max to her office for an x-ray, where she finds a microchip in her arm. (<---- it turns out to be a tracking device!)
- Fang & Nudge find a cave, high up, in the mountains never Lake Mead, (where Max is supposed to meet them.) near some hawk nests. While they wait for Max, Fang studies the hawks & how they fly. He teaches Nudge some new tricks about flying & landing.
- Iggy & Gazzy stay behind at the house in the mountains, because a) Iggy is blind & b) Max assumed that if the Erasers & White-coats wanted Angel they might also want her biological brother, Gazzy. They make a bomb (yes! A BOMB!) for the Erasers, in case they decide to come looking for the others. After successfully blowing up two Erasers, they decide to go against Max's orders & go to Death Valley.
During what Jeb calls a "test" Max, Nudge, Fang, & Angel escape, with the help of their "hawk friends", Gazzy, and Iggy. They decide to go to New York City, to find a place called the Institute, where they could supposedly find information about their biological parents. (<-----while Angel was in the school by herself, she overheard White-Coats talking about it.)
Their journey wasn't an easy one. Max gets sick during their flight(their actual flying, not an airplane flight.), they sleep in trees in Central Park, they sleep in the subways, they are constantly chased by Erasers, & they have little money. Although with all these things happening to them, Angel & Max find that they have "special" abilities beyond flying. Angel can breathe under water, & make people do whatever she wants them to do. Max's ability, on the other hand, is kind of weird. She has a voice in her head that tells her what to do, & most of the time is sounds a lot like Jeb.
Max's voice, the one inside her head, finally leads them to The Institute. There they find the information they came for. They also find other experiments like themselves, & the flock rescues them. Among the rescued experiments is a Scottish terrier named Total, whom Angel decides to keep as her pet. Max fights & kills Ari, but as she is escaping Jeb tells her that "she killed her own brother!" This only adds to the mystery even more, because none of them know their real parents.
----> I've spoiled enough of the book for you already, so if you're interested in knowing the rest, you'll just have to read it yourself. :) but what I will tell you is that in the end, The flock sets out to find their biological parents, with the information they stole from The Institute. (I'm reading the second book, so it will be a "book of the week" pretty soon.
God Bless! :D
Posted by Laura Shook at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Glee Blog :D
- Borderline
- Open Your Heart
- Burning Up
- 4 Minutes
- Crazy for You
- Like a Virgin
- Like a Prayer
- What It Feels Like for a Girl
- Vogue
- Express Yourself
&&My absolute favorite was (insert drum roll please)
Posted by Laura Shook at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder.
Posted by Laura Shook at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Attention Readers.
Posted by Laura Shook at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Note to self.
I should probably start reading a new book in the morning instead of at night. That way I'll read it all day instead of staying up all night trying to finish it. :)
Posted by Laura Shook at 1:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Job Hunt.
well turning 16 means getting your license, growing up, & ever so important "getting a job!"
I've turned in applications to:
- Walgreens
- Hallmark Store
- Subway
Posted by Laura Shook at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Only Me. :)
Posted by Laura Shook at 5:07 PM 0 comments
well today there's not much I can do to be "positive?"
I've been playing Farmville & working on some Algebra 2 work. :)
but I guess being positive is just a way of molding myself into a better I took initiative to do my schoolwork. that's a step wayyy up from last week. & last night I did go running with my brother....guess who runs faster? that would be me!!! :) if only I could stick to this nutritional diet? any ideas? lemme know. :)
-Laura Rachelle Shook.
Posted by Laura Shook at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Miss Positivity.
So obviously I'm not the most positive person alive. :) I'm not a cheerleader. I'm not that popular. (ya know considering the whole homeschooling but today I thought why do I have to be so negative? I'm ALWAYS saying "dang, I look terrible" or "whoa, I'm fat." I guess I thought that if I tear myself down, that other people would built be back up. well, that's not always the case. I have GREAT friends, but it's not their job to deal with the damage I cause myself. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. Get in shape, be more positive, more outgoing, & truly be who I want to be without any limitations. :) as High School Musical would put it "This is the start of something new." <3
-Laura Rachelle Shook
Posted by Laura Shook at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Justin Bieber!
Posted by Laura Shook at 3:27 PM 0 comments