Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh Snap!

Sorry Guys, I know I've been neglecting my blog for a couple of weeks. but with my schoolwork, my friends, deer season, and Halloween coming up...My life has been hectic.
-School is going great, I'm alittle behind, but I'm 100% to blame for that, but it's not anything that I can get done in a few hours if I'd just sit still long enough to do it.
-My Friends are good, I'm alittle upset that I don't get to see some of them as much as I'd like, but that's cool. it's not 100% my fault.
-Deer Season has started but Saturday, that same day as Halloweeen, is juvenile hunt, which my dad insists I go to, the only bummer I can't go to the DC vs. Southaven game which is my old school and their biggest rival. poo! :( & I might not make it back it time for our annual SPD Haunted House...I've spent every waking moment at the station trying to make things happen. (their will be pictures soon!)
here is a poster I made for the Haunted House. It's going to be splattered in Blood. tehe! :)

cool huh?
peace. ☼