Monday, August 10, 2009


So I just read this book Maybe a Miracle by: Brian Strause.
(well actually I read it maybe a week and a half ago. but that's besides the point.)

& in some books I read yes there are a few references to things i don't necessarily approve of, but it's a book I don't have to like everything about it.

So this guy named Monroe Anderson saves his little sister, Annika, from drowning in his families' swimming pool. Or better yet he dives in the pool to save her when he finds her floating in it. Everyone says he's a hero, but his sister is in a coma. She is totally out of it. His mom thinks God will take care of her daughter so she turns to her religious beliefs (e.g. Catholicism.). While Monroe's dad turns to drinking and cheating on his wife. (sorry a little bit of a spoiler there.) Monroe was just all over the place trying to believe God will help his sister then not believing it, but truly all he really wants is his sister to just wake up. While Annika is in a coma, she is said to be a "healer" or some sort. Her hands even bleed in the palms & people think she is bearing the pain for the world. (like Jesus Christ did.) People come from around the globe thinking that she can heal them of cancer, carpal tunnel, & other diseases. Though normally someone in a coma for two+ years would be considered a vegetable, the Anderson family won't let that happen to Annika.

So if you think that this book is something you'll like, then go pick it up & read it....
or you can e-mail me and I'll tell you the ending.

What can I say?