Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It' Official.

Bret Favre is old and senile. 
You've been playing football for 100 years & still you make illegal blocks?
honestly mister, you need to retire, FOR GOOD this time! 
Eugene Wilson's knees could have been seriously hurt? & Favre just walked off the field like whatever, didn't even check to make sure he was ok?
ok I watch football, but I'm not the smartest cookie.
but I do know that a crack-back block is illegal! 
The Official NFL Rulebook Says:
**An offensive player who lines up more than two yards outside his own tackle or a player who, at the snap, is in a backfield position and subsequently takes a position more than two yards outside a tackle may not clip an opponent anywhere nor may he contact an opponent below the waist if the blocker is moving toward the ball and if contact is made within an area five yards on either side of the line. (crackback)**
Favre practically just laid down on the field?
come on! can you say attention whore?
What can I say?