Monday, September 14, 2009

Poor Elton John....Poor Baby.

gosh I feel so bad for Elton John. He wanted to adopt a baby boy from Ukraine, but he can't. & it's only because he's too old & not legally married. (btw he's gay.) (I have nothing against gay people at all one of my close friends is gay, & if he wanted to adopt a child I say go for it!) Lev, the baby boy, is HIV positive too. :'( and the thing is Elton John could help that baby is so many ways. He has the money to support him & help him with all his medical needs too. I don't understand why adoption is so hard, a child needs a good home, & there are people out there that want to provide that for them....if these people would just let them! gah.

Official: No Ukrainian adoption for Elton John. :(
What can I say?